Military & Embedded Division

TigerFMC up to 336 Gbps

High-speed high-density optical communication up to 336 Gbps

High-speed optical communications have become the new standard of data-intensive integrated systems.

Taking advantage of the SAMTEC FireFly™ optical modules, TigerFMC solutions offer up to 12 full duplex links. The 4 links configuration offers up to 25 Gbps per link. TigerFMC can reach an overall throughput up to 336 Gbps.

VITA 57.4 standard compliant, the TigerFMC is ready-to-use and easy-to-use.

All the TigerFMC mezzanine cards can be easily integrated into existing systems, such as VPX boards, or into brand-new architectures.

Available in a commercial or an industrial version, the TigerFMC is compatible with both air and conduction cooled environment.

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  • Video broadcast & switching
  • Legacy system upgrade


  • Ready-to-use : 100% FMC or FMC+ compliant
  • Easy-to-use : No specific firmware required
  • Protocol agnostic
  • Suitable for legacy issue
  • Air cooled or conduction cooled

Key features

  • VITA 57.1 or 57.4 compliant
  • Up to 12 full duplex optical links
  • Up to 25 Gbps per link
  • Front connection : 24M-MTP connectors
  • Rear connection (on demand) : MT ferules
  • Programmable oscillators
  • Air cooled
    • Temperature range :
      0°C to +55°C
  • Conduction cooled
    • Temperature range :
      -20°C to +70°C

FireFly™ technology

The SAMTEC’s FireFly™ Micro Flyover System™ is the first interconnect system that gives designers the flexibility of using micro footprint optical and copper interconnects interchangeably with the same connector system.

The FireFly™ system enables chip-to-chip, board-to-board, on-board and system-to-system connectivity at data rates up to 28 Gbps. FireFly™ is based on a high-performance interconnect system which allows the use of low-cost copper cables or high-performance active optical engines.

SAMTEC copper, equalized copper and optical cable systems provide the flexibility to achieve higher data rates and/or greater distance needs while simplifying board design and enhancing performance.

Additional information


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